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Physics Department Of Untan Successfully Holds Culmination Education Event At Equator Monument

By Muhardi*

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Tanjungpura University (Untan) successfully held a community service event at the Equator Monument in Pontianak City. This event coincided with the opening of the Pesona Kulminasi event organized by the Department of Youth, Sports, and Tourism of Pontianak City.

During this event, the Physics Department set up a booth that attracted visitors with simulations of the culmination phenomenon using Stellarium Web Online and telescopes to observe the position of the sun. Education about the culmination phenomenon and its impact is highly relevant for the people of West Kalimantan, especially since Pontianak is situated right on the equator, making it the only city in Indonesia with an Equator Monument.

The culmination phenomenon itself occurs twice a year, in March and September, between the 21st and 23rd. During culmination, the air temperature in Pontianak feels hotter, and the shadows of objects around the Equator Monument disappear for a few moments. This unique moment always attracts the attention of residents and tourists.

The event was attended by lecturers from the Physics Department of FMIPA Untan and students from the Geophysics Student Association (HMG) and the Physics Student Association (HIMAFIS). This activity is part of the university's Tri Dharma, which includes education and teaching, research, and community service. Therefore, this community service activity has become a routine agenda every semester for the Physics Department of FMIPA Untan.

Visitors, including school students, teachers, government employees, and the general public, showed high enthusiasm. They were very interested in this educational event, as evidenced by the large number of visitors who tried the telescopes and visited the simulation booth.

This event not only provided new knowledge for the community but also strengthened the relationship between the university and the surrounding community, while raising awareness about the importance of science in everyday life.

*Head of the Committee and Lecturer, Physics Department, Untan