MBKM Talk with Kak Winda and Bang Saka on the Geophysics Study Program YouTube Channel

On Friday, June 28th, the UNTAN Geophysics Study Program hosted an inspiring and informative talk show. This event featured two successful alumni of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, Kak Winda and Bang Saka. Broadcast live on Youtube Prodi Geofisika FMIPA UNTAN, the event drew the attention of many students eager to learn more about MBKM research.

Inspiring Success Stories

Kak Winda and Bang Saka enthusiastically shared their valuable experiences conducting research at various institutions both within and outside Pontianak. Kak Winda, who conducted her research at BRIN Bandung, discussed how she gained extensive knowledge and invaluable experience during her time there.

Meanwhile, Bang Saka, who conducted his research at the BMKG Maritime in Pontianak, shared the challenges and opportunities he encountered during his research process. Both agreed that these experiences significantly enriched their knowledge and skills and opened numerous career opportunities for the future.

Q&A About MBKM Research Preparation

The event also featured a highly interactive Q&A session. Many students were curious about how to prepare for MBKM research. Kak Winda and Bang Saka were happy to answer each question in detail.

Some key points they shared include:

Self-Preparation: They emphasized the importance of mental and physical preparation. According to Kak Winda, having strong determination and readiness to face various challenges is crucial.

Research Skills: Bang Saka added that basic research skills such as research methods, data analysis, and report writing are essential. Mastery of relevant software can also be a plus.

Communication and Networking: Both seniors stressed the importance of building networks with other researchers and effective communication. This greatly assists in the research process and opens future collaboration opportunities.

Time Management: Kak Winda shared tips on how she managed her time between research, classes, and other activities. She highlighted the importance of discipline and good planning.

Hopes and Closing Messages

At the end of the event, Kak Winda and Bang Saka delivered encouraging messages to all participants. They hope that their experiences and stories can inspire and motivate other students not to hesitate in joining the MBKM research program.

The inspiring stories from Kak Winda and Bang Saka are intended to provide clear insights and high motivation for students to prepare themselves as best as possible and achieve success through the MBKM research program.

Don't forget to keep following the Youtube Prodi Geofisika FMIPA UNTAN channel for more interesting information and inspiration. See you at the next event!